The secret to your success will be your integrity, which comes down to your character.
Integrity is the act on being honourable when no one is watching. It’s not something that you can show someone, it’s what you do and how you act behind their back or when no one can see.
Integrity is built on principles not popularity. The quality if being honest and having strong moral standards.
Your yes is yes. Your no is no.
This means your words match your ways, your behaviours match your beliefs. Your character is linked to your integrity, so make sure you don’t compromise on your values.
Someone who doesn’t have integrity don’t have the respect of those around them. And if people don’t respect you, you can’t influence them.
Your integrity integrates your words, deeds, and actions into one. Your integrity can be destroyed when these do not flow into one. A person without integrity will say one thing, do another and promise something else. We must be AUTHENTIC.
Integrity means you are at ONE with yourself. What you say, think and do lines up with who you are.
Integrity comes from your values.
What do you value? Because you won’t exploit what you value most. What standards do you set? What is acceptable to you? Lies? Cheating? Stealing?
Honesty means living a transparent life where nothing is hidden.
When it comes down to it, ask yourself do I love God and love others? Because this ultimately will affect our character and therefore our integrity.
Your character will be challenged, even your integrity. The devil will do everything in his power to destroy it. This often comes through temptation in one of three ways;
- power
- money
- sex
Eve was tempted by power. Judas sold the saviour for money. Samson was destroyed by sex.
Temptation will challenge your character. Temptation in itself is not a sin but acting on it is. The devil tempted Jesus, he responded with ‘It is written’. Our combat to temptation is our relationship with God, walk with him and know his word to protect yourself.
Remember everything you build can be destroyed in five seconds.
To walk in integrity, we self-examine every area of our lives so that we can be the role models and influencers that can change a generation.
Written by Stephen Crawford