Each one of us has the potential to be radical but what does it actually mean and how do we do it?
By definition, radical means believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change (Cambridge English Dictionary).
Radical will have a different meaning to each person but to me it is a choice we make. If we want to be radical we must first unlock it within ourselves. Once we embark on this journey we have to decide who and what we want to be. This can bring change and transformation which may require us to go against the norm and status quo.
Being radical becomes a lifestyle rather than a one time event.
This can be one big step or a sequence of small steps but the challenge is, will you take the leap and be the change you wish to see. A big step could be a career change, sacrificing security, letting go of the past, saying goodbye to some relationships that aren’t good for you or a move to unfamiliar territory. Small steps could mean adopting new and healthy habits, changing your mindset, rearranging priorities or being more aware and present. Bottomline, whatever it is you need to do, do it.
For me, radical transformation began when I developed a personal relationship with Jesus.
This in itself is counter cultural as it is not a religion or tradition but a relationship. It is not rules and regulations but a relationship. It is not based on my own efforts but a result of Jesus. My source to embrace radical living is Jesus – I don’t believe you can find a better example than His life.
Whether you identify as following Jesus or not, know that each one of us can be radical in a positive way and influence others for the better.
Radical Living can have many forms but I want to base it from the model Jesus left behind. Society thousands of years ago is not that different from society now. Jesus demonstrated servant leadership which was and is completely counter cultural – see John 4:1-42. When Jesus began his public ministry he didn’t burst onto the scene but instead entered quietly and humbly. Jesus modelled a new way of life and lived it out day by day. He was a trailblazer and pioneer for social and spiritual change.
When others expressed judgement and condemnation, Jesus offered redemption. When others showed offence, bitterness, and revenge, Jesus offered forgiveness. When others showed hate, Jesus demonstrated love. When others showed contempt, Jesus offered respect. When others were inconsiderate, Jesus offered compassion. When others were excluded, Jesus included. Jesus accompanied Himself with people that society deemed outcast or unworthy and he ate with people who society had discarded. Jesus offered friendship to people who society exiled. The question I ask myself is – do I do the same?
Radical Living means discomfort. It will push you, take you outside of your comfort zone, and require you to go places you might not want to go. It will require risk. You won’t always know the outcome before you take the step but you have to take it anyway. Being radical will require sacrifice which is the hardest yet most rewarding one and you won’t regret the sacrifices you make. To truly embody radical living, you have to be selfless.
This lifestyle isn’t about you but it is best when focused on others.
If we choose to live radically it is not going to be easy but everything worthwhile never is. Right now, I want to encourage you to stop stalling and take that step to be radical.
Written by Jess McMaster