by Erin Thompson | Sep 2, 2022 | Leadership, Leadership - Leading, Parenthood
Friends are some of the people with most influence in our lives, and this is especially true when we’re growing up. The Proclaimers, (you will remember these stages are taken from their song ‘Your Childhood’), claim that the stage between five and ten is when children...
by Erin Thompson | Aug 30, 2022 | Creating Your Culture, Leadership, Leadership - Legacy
The secret to your success will be your integrity, which comes down to your character. Integrity is the act on being honourable when no one is watching. It’s not something that you can show someone, it’s what you do and how you act behind their back or when no one can...
by Erin Thompson | Jun 28, 2022 | An Introduction: Hearing God's Voice, Discipleship
I have a one-year-old daughter, she is the apple of my eye, I love her, and I talk about her all the time. Now being a one-year-old she has started walking and moving all around the house; however, she is sometimes unaware of the dangers there can be. For example, as...
by Erin Thompson | Jun 6, 2022 | Evangelism, Telling Your Story
Last time we looked at the need of prayer and I cannot over emphasise that. Today I want us to see what evangelism actually is. “You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask...
by admin | Mar 2, 2022 | Created on Purpose, Discipleship
We have already discussed how God created us in his image and part of that image means we are made to be relational, just as God is relational. Even in the statement God made before creating man he shows the importance of relationships. He emphasises the...